
2024 Club Champs - Open A

Below find the list of participants and results as at 28 June 2024

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Participants & Final Standings

Name Seed Rank
Sandile Masondo 1 1
Gary Chapman 2 2
Marvin Bosman 4 3
Mathew Ferreira 11 4
Martin Deakins 7 5
Bheki Sizwe 9 6
Gareth Hibberd 5 7
Olance Mkhize 3 8
Matt Redinger 8 9
Ashley Tennant 10 10
Wilfred Besamu 12 11
Paul Fourie 6 12
Carl Beckerling 14 13
Heinu Van Jaarsveld 16 14
Michele van Zyl 13 15
Harry Bell 18 16
William Besamu 17 17
Sibusiso Mauya 15 18
Ryan Cooper 20 19
Kevin James 19 20
Robert Jameison 23 21
Kjell Hoppenbrouwers 24 22
Mike Langens 27 23
Travis Outram 21 24
Dylan Bosman 30 25
Malcolm Meintjes 25 26
Gwillym Crawford 31 27
Andrew Kirkland 29 28
Righardt Swart 32 29
Craig Bosman 26 30
Nico Naude 28 31
1.01 Bye 1 22 32

Schedule / Scores

Court Time Player Score Opponent Score
6 11:45 (1)Sandile Masondo 3 (32)Righardt Swart 0
7 11:45 (2)Gary Chapman 3 (31)Gwillym Crawford 0
8 11:45 (3)Olance Mkhize 3 (30)Dylan Bosman 0
1 12:30 (4)Marvin Bosman 3 (29)Andrew Kirkland 0
2 12:30 (5)Gareth Hibberd 3 (28)Nico Naude 0
3 12:30 (6)Paul Fourie 3 (27)Mike Langens 0
4 12:30 (7)Martin Deakins 3 (26)Craig Bosman 0
6 12:30 (8)Matt Redinger 3 (25)Malcolm Meintjes 0
7 12:30 (9)Bheki Sizwe 3 (24)Kjell Hoppenbrouwers 0
8 12:30 (10)Ashley Tennant 3 (23)Robert Jameison 1
1 13:15 (11)Mathew Ferreira 3 (22)1.01 Bye 1 0
2 13:15 (12)Wilfred Besamu 3 (21)Travis Outram 0
3 13:15 (13)Michele van Zyl 3 (20)Ryan Cooper 0
4 13:15 (14)Carl Beckerling 3 (19)Kevin James 0
6 13:15 (15)Sibusiso Mauya 1 (18)Harry Bell 3
7 13:15 (16)Heinu Van Jaarsveld 3 (17)William Besamu 2
1 19:15 (1)Sandile Masondo 3 (16)Heinu Van Jaarsveld 0
2 19:15 (2)Gary Chapman 3 (15)Harry Bell 0
3 19:15 (3)Olance Mkhize 3 (14)Carl Beckerling 0
4 19:15 (4)Marvin Bosman 3 (13)Michele van Zyl 1
6 19:15 (5)Gareth Hibberd 3 (12)Wilfred Besamu 2
7 19:15 (6)Paul Fourie 1 (11)Mathew Ferreira 3
8 19:15 (7)Martin Deakins 3 (10)Ashley Tennant 0
1 20:00 (8)Matt Redinger 0 (9)Bheki Sizwe 3
2 20:00 (17)William Besamu 3 (32)Righardt Swart 0
3 20:00 (18)Sibusiso Mauya 3 (31)Gwillym Crawford 0
4 17:45 (19)Kevin James 3 (30)Dylan Bosman 1
6 20:00 (20)Ryan Cooper 3 (29)Andrew Kirkland 2
7 20:00 (21)Travis Outram 3 (28)Nico Naude 2
8 20:00 (22)Mike Langens 3 (27)1.01 Bye 1 0
2 20:45 (23)Robert Jameison 3 (26)Craig Bosman 0
6 17:00 (24)Kjell Hoppenbrouwers 3 (25)Malcolm Meintjes 2
6 19:15 (3)Olance Mkhize 1 (6)Mathew Ferreira 3
7 19:15 (4)Marvin Bosman 3 (5)Gareth Hibberd 1
2 14:00 (9)Matt Redinger 3 (16)Heinu Van Jaarsveld 0
6 18:30 (10)Ashley Tennant 3 (15)Harry Bell 0
2 19:15 (11)Paul Fourie 3 (14)Carl Beckerling 0
3 08:45 (12)Wilfred Besamu 3 (13)Michele van Zyl 1
4 19:15 (17)William Besamu 3 (24)Kjell Hoppenbrouwers 0
7 17:45 (18)Sibusiso Mauya 3 (23)Robert Jameison 0
7 16:15 (19)Kevin James 3 (22)Mike Langens 0
3 20:00 (20)Ryan Cooper 3 (21)Travis Outram 2
1 19:15 (25)Malcolm Meintjes 3 (32)Righardt Swart 0
2 16:15 (26)Craig Bosman 2 (31)Gwillym Crawford 3
5 08:45 (27)1.01 Bye 1 0 (30)Dylan Bosman 3
4 08:45 (28)Nico Naude 0 (29)Andrew Kirkland 3
7 19:15 (1)Sandile Masondo 3 (8)Bheki Sizwe 0
7 18:30 (2)Gary Chapman 3 (7)Martin Deakins 1
2 08:00 (1)Sandile Masondo 3 (4)Marvin Bosman 0
3 20:00 (2)Gary Chapman 3 (3)Mathew Ferreira 0
6 20:00 (5)Gareth Hibberd 0 (8)Bheki Sizwe 3
7 20:00 (6)Olance Mkhize 0 (7)Martin Deakins 3
2 19:15 (9)Matt Redinger 3 (12)Wilfred Besamu 0
3 19:15 (10)Ashley Tennant 3 (11)Paul Fourie 0
6 19:15 (13)Michele van Zyl 2 (16)Heinu Van Jaarsveld 3
7 19:15 (14)Carl Beckerling 3 (15)Harry Bell 0
2 18:30 (17)William Besamu 3 (20)Ryan Cooper 1
3 18:30 (18)Sibusiso Mauya 3 (19)Kevin James 0
6 18:30 (21)Travis Outram 2 (24)Kjell Hoppenbrouwers 3
7 18:30 (22)Mike Langens 1 (23)Robert Jameison 3
2 17:45 (25)Malcolm Meintjes 3 (28)Andrew Kirkland 1
3 17:45 (26)Gwillym Crawford 0 (27)Dylan Bosman 3
6 17:45 (29)Nico Naude 0 (32)Righardt Swart 3
7 17:45 (30)1.01 Bye 1 0 (31)Craig Bosman 3
8 20:00 (7)Olance Mkhize 0 (8)Gareth Hibberd 3
2 23:45 (11)Paul Fourie 0 (12)Wilfred Besamu 3
7 23:45 (13)Heinu Van Jaarsveld 0 (14)Carl Beckerling 3
2 23:00 (15)Harry Bell 0 (16)Michele van Zyl 3
8 20:45 (27)Gwillym Crawford 3 (28)Andrew Kirkland 0
6 23:45 (29)Righardt Swart 3 (30)Craig Bosman 0
1 23:45 (31)1.01 Bye 1 0 (32)Nico Naude 3
3 08:45 (3)Mathew Ferreira 2 (4)Marvin Bosman 3
7 11:45 (5)Bheki Sizwe 0 (6)Martin Deakins 3
6 11:00 (9)Matt Redinger 3 (10)Ashley Tennant 0
1 11:00 (17)William Besamu 3 (18)Sibusiso Mauya 0
7 11:00 (19)Kevin James 2 (20)Ryan Cooper 3
6 10:15 (21)Kjell Hoppenbrouwers 0 (22)Robert Jameison 3
2 11:00 (23)Mike Langens 3 (24)Travis Outram 0
2 08:45 (25)Malcolm Meintjes 1 (26)Dylan Bosman 3
7 13:15 (1)Sandile Masondo 3 (2)Gary Chapman 0