Business League Rules

The following rules were discussed & agreed by the team captains and Club Management on 10 January 2023.

1. Team compositions

a. Teams consist of 4 players playing singles on any given night.
b. Players to be seeded & play on strength
c. If, for example, the no 1 ranked player cannot play on the scheduled date, the number 2,3 & 4 need to ‘move-up’ one slot. ** Non adherence penalty may apply 

2. Schedule & Playing times

a. Start times is 17:45
b. Team list (a.k.a. ‘batting order”) must be updated via the SQBuddy1 app or sent via the WhatsApp2 group before c.o.b. on the Monday preceding the scheduled games.
c. Any last-minute changes or issues must be communicated by participants to their respective captains.
    The captains must organise with the opponent team’s captain alternative arrangements before the game starts.
    Captains must also publish the changes on the WhatsApp2 group.
d. All games must be played on or before the scheduled date & time.
     Some players may require, due to unforeseen circumstances, changes in playing order or starting times.
     Each of these players must negotiate this with their counter parts & team captains
e. Court light fees for games played outside of the scheduled ‘window’ of Tuesdays between 17:45 and 22:00 must be covered by the participants
f. A player should only play one game per night. If a player plays more than one game per night, the non-scheduled games, the ** Penalty will apply.
g. All games should be refereed by members of the competing teams

3. Scoring

a. Best of 5 Games apply
b. Completed score cards must be signed by both captains and handed over after each round. 

4. Fees

a. The fee for Round 1 & 2 of the 2023 Business league is R3600 per team. The last date for payment is 28 February 2023
b. Team captains should encourage their team members to pay the fees on or before this date.
c. If required, individual members / captains may request the club to pay their portion of the fees on a monthly or weekly ‘instalment basis’.
d. Defaulters from 2022 must settle their accounts. Otherwise, they will be barred from the 2023 Business League. 

5. Other

a. Gauteng league players may not be entered in this competition nor used as reserves. The club will supply a list of Gauteng league players.
b. The appropriate ball, as defined by Gauteng Squash, should be used, unless both players agree to play with a different ball. 

6. Dispute handling

Any disputes must be settled by the Tournament organiser (Harry Goslett) 

1 SQBuddy is a web application for members & captains to track & view playing schedules, scores, etc. – the link:
2 “WhatsApp group” is the “Business league Captains”
** Penalty: Non-adherence to any rule may result in the results will be classed as a ‘walk-over’ and points awarded to the opponent’s team. 

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